Wonder Girls appeared on the cover of July issue of Korea’s fan magazine, WaWa Girl.

It talks about Wonder Girls & their game that they endorsed, Freestyle.

The magazine comes with a poster too.

I’m def’ getting a copy of it!

Korea’s nation sisters, Wonder Girls, had returned to Korea for CF and music video filming.

Even though with busy schedules ahead of them, the girls managed to take out some time for fan meeting session and of course to do some interviews with the local media.

Here’s some “behind the scenes” pictures with the Wonder Girls during the “FS Invitation” fan meet session, held on the 6th of this month.

Here’s a preview:

Meeting the fans…
Looking seriously at the screen.. Trying hard to win!
Ohh… let me win already!
Who is gonna be the next lucky winner to win this autographed baskball?
Who is gonna be the next lucky winner to win this autographed baskball?
Time for interview... Wait! Where's our Sun Mi?
Time for interview… Wait! Where’s our Sun Mi?
Sun Mi with PD-nim! Peace!
“I’m busy taking selcas with PD-nim! Peace Out!”
"Erm.. Sun Mi always loses to me in the game challenge!"
“Erm.. Sun Mi always loses to me in the game challenge!”
Sun Mi: "WHAT?! >.>"
Sun Mi: “WHAT?! >.>”

Continue to read more

{Credits: Game Donga / kimyoobin.wordpress.com}

expect more pictures to be up here! Stay tuned! 😉 200906061620381111_1

{credits: as tagged + kimyoobin.wordpress.com}


Popular group, Wonder Girls, will be holding a party for JCE’s basketball game, Freestyle, offline users.

A representative of JCEntertainment said that this event will be inviting the former spokes person of the game, Wonder Girls, on the 6th of this month. Name of this event is called FS (Freestyle) Invitation. Wonder Girls are inviting FS gamers/users to share their exciting experience and stories on playing the game.

200 people will be selected for this event. Freestyle event webpage (http://fsjoycity.com) will be randomly choosing these 200 lucky people and announces it on their site. Games and refreshments will be served on the day of the event itself.

As Wonder Girls appeared on the CF for Freestyle last year, and it received lots of popularity not only for the game but the Wonder Girls itself too.

All 5 members of the group was created and specially designed with unique skills in the game. & during this period of recession, the sales figure had tremendously increased upon the additional of the Wonder Girls characters.

Reported by Park Meon Ki @ Daily Sports News

{Translation: kimyoobin.wordpress.com}

A fanmade version! HAHAHAH! CUTE!

[credits: daum]


[credits: fsjoycity + kimyoobin.wordpress.com]